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  Regardless of a writer’s skill and talent, no respectable writer would consider publishing his manuscript without having it edited one or more times during the writing process. Furthermore, it behooves any thoughtful writer NOT to forego editing. As the adage goes, “you only have one chance to make a good first impression.” Therefore, don’t exclude editing from your writing project regardless of your justifying reason.

   The following current fees, assuming a standard count of 250 words per page. More words per page would increase the cost per edited page. Nonetheless, to calculate multiply the number of words on the page by the cost per word for the selected editing type. Consequently, the editing format chosen by the writer would determine the rate of page editing. A writer with good skills opting for Basic copy editing could guesstimate 5 to 10 pages per hour. The complexity or simplicity of the writer’s manuscript can increase or decrease the pages edited per hour. Note that genre plays a significant role in the speed of editing as well.

   Editing requires more time evaluating than merely reading the presented text.

For a 60,000-word book/manuscript, your editing costs could be:
[A minimum 25,000-word count required.]

 Basic Copy Editing: $.04 per word, or $2400 total
[Coronavirus Special $.02 per word, or $1200 total]

 Developmental Editing: $.12 per word, or $7,200 total
[Coronavirus Special $.08 per word, or $4800 total]

 Proofreading: $.03, or $1,800 total
[Coronavirus Special $.02 per word, or $1200 total]

 Rewriting/Ghostwriting: Cost is determined on a case by case bases

   To deduce what your total estimated editing cost could be, fantasy, memoir, romance, sci-fi, and epic novel writers. While these are the current cost at druryspublishing.com, the coronavirus special pricing is a limited time only.

Basic Copy Editing This stage of editing a piece of writing, the “copy” gets reviewed and revised to improve readability. Fortunately, copy editors ensure the writing style is consistent and that the text naturally flows from one sentence to the next. Primarily the editor checks the “copy” for continuity, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and spelling, providing suggestions to convey the writer’s message best. Additionally, copy editors can act as fact-checkers, which is especially necessary if the writing is nonfiction and involves inspection of accurate information.

Developmental editing is a form of support writing that comes into play before or during a publishable manuscript. The acquisition support of a developmental editor engages after someone decides that the authors’ draft requires substantial revision and restructuring. In such instances, developmental editing is a radical form of substantive editing. Regardless of when a developmental editor enters into a writing project, the authors retain control over the document and providing the content. However, an editor creating significant amounts of content is no longer an editor but a contributing author or a ghostwriter.

Proofreading concentrates mainly on correcting superficial errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and formatting. Whereas editing includes these steps, the focus objective is to make a document easier to read and understand, improve its organization, and create a harmonious flow for the audience and ensure the usage of transitional words in paragraphs and sentences while abolishing wrong phrases and passive voice.