The Founder
Gary Drury Publishing Ministries, established in 1982, is a small religious publishing organization located in Kentucky. Founder and publisher Dr. Gary Drury editor, publisher, author, and poet who has written "Candle in The Wind," "Color My Soul," and "Masquerade" to name a few. Consequently, his book Candle in The Wind published and translated into Russian. Routinely, he’s edited and published multiple volumes of "The Drury Gazette, and Theo’s Compass." Accordingly, Dr. Drury edited and published authors in several languages: English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, and Russian. While promoting well-grounded moral and spiritual values of all beliefs and faiths. Dr. Drury’s devoted to disseminating God’s word, creative expression, and free speech. Correspondence, submissions, supportive donations and subscriptions should be directed to the publisher. — Your Success Is My Success © SM —
My books arrived about two weeks ago. They are wonderful. Thank you so much for all you do for me.
Also, I recommended you to some one who asked about a publisher.
Janet Goven
Pennsylvania, USA
Over the past 20 years, I have repeatedly had to contact the publishing houses of different countries (USA, Russia, Germany, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, China, Taiwan, Japan). During these years 22 books of my poetry have been published, not counting the translations into Russian of many contemporary poets.
I have known the publisher Gary Drury for more than 10 years. His publishing house printed my poems many times in English translation.
Adolf P. Shvedchikov
California, USA/RUSSIA
and the LIGHT
Stay true
To HIS path
shall be
Continued . . .
As an author has a plethora of possibilities to select from while making a choice. Don't entrust a beloved manuscript invested so heavily into just anyone for saving a dollar or two. I, The Publisher, work as closely with the author’s as possible while giving an author the best personal experience. If you are a potential author reading this now and seriously interested in seeing your manuscript reach fruition as a finished published book . . . go to the submission page and email the manuscript today in one of the supported formats. (Preferred submission formats are Microsoft Word .doc, .docx, .txt and for photos BMP, JPG, and.PNG).
The author submitted manuscript is read and evaluated on a first come first serve bases with an honest appraisal of its prospective marketability at no charge. No editorial comments or markups are applied during this process and the author shouldn’t infer as none are implied.
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The Mission
The mission with God’s help is to aid novice, intermitted writers see their lifelong dream come true. Helping them along their creative journey each step of the way, advocating on the authors’ behalf that the masses may have access to their fresh genuine talent. While sharing God’s word. Sometimes the best form of preaching the truth is in a less aggressive format. Don’t shy away from your dreams of being published due to fear. Make contact and experience the personal attention you and your manuscript deserve. Faith will keep you strong. Everyone is an unknown starting out . . . Everyone struggles . . . Everyone needs help along the way . . . Build your brand name today. God is lighting your path to a glorious journey. Let us empower you with God’s aid to have the dedication and strength to see your endeavor to fruition as you deserve such an accomplishment. God is with you every step of the way and you can rely on His strength. I know it, you know it, and God knows it.
© 1982-2025 Gary Drury, Publisher © TM
Gary Drury Publishing Ministries © TM
True Church and Government Separation.
Nonprofit 508 (c) (1) (A)